Well, here is a bit of my background. I trained as a dancer, my first love was tap and I studied tap, jazz, ballet, acro and modern dance. I attended a dance program at university focusing on Modern Dance and found myself drawn to Dance Studies and Dance Production. I am certified in Labanotation (dance/movement notation) as well as Laban Movement Analysis and Barteniff Fundamentals. I have worked as a dance instructor, a stage manager, an administrator and most recently the director of a post secondary dance program.
I live with my partner of 14 years and he ad I now have two children. our first was born in the spring of 2008 and our second, the spring of 2010. Before I was pregnant with my first, my book club read Ami McKay's The Birth House. After reading this book I became very interested in midwifery, I did some research and came across information on Doulas as well. Then, as happens, my life took other turns and other things took precedence and the whole midwife/doula thing fell off the map.
A year or two later my partner and I decided to try and get pregnant. When I spoke to my doctor about it, her advice to me was that as soon as I found out I was pregnant to get a midwife. She explained to me that a midwife was the way to go because they are birth professionals. They receive the same amount of training as registered nurses but focus only on birth, babies and pregnant and post-partum women. What sold my partner on the midwife idea was 45 minute appointments and the concept of informed choice as opposed to the medical model of informed consent.
Midwifery turned out to be the perfect choice for us and our birth experience. Both my partner and I are researchers and students at heart and we felt comfortable being provided with choices and being able to research our options and ask informed questions but ultimately make our own choices regarding our birth experience. We did chose a hospital birth and after a long labour due to posterior positioning, three shifts of midwifes, and a lot of crying, I ended up with a Cesarean birth. The midwife support and care was invaluable during the recovery period and during the struggle to nurse that ensued.
My birth experience got me thinking again about midwifery and doulas and I began to do some research again. I found an online program through Childbirth International and signed up shortly after my baby's first birthday. Starting the Doula training opened me up to the opportunity to also study childbirth education and this all fell into place when I became pregnant again.
Now I was studying to become a birth doula and having to make the decision to have a trial of labour or Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). Again my midwifes were informative and supportive without influencing me one way or the other. I attempted a VBAC and was unsuccessful resulting in another Cesarean and a beautiful second child with a whole new set of challenges and adventures .
So, here I am, Doula, Childbirth Educator, Dancer, Teacher, Notator and now, small business owner.
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